Saturday, February 9, 2013

Harp Mobile Final Decision

For those of you that have been reading know that I'm in the process of finding another harp mobile after totaling my Jeep.  After much consideration and thought I decided to go with the Honda Insight for a number of reasons:

1) I don't move my harp everyday, on the days I don't move my harp I still have a vehicle that gets great MPG.

2) It gets great MPG

3)  Price points are very affordable which gives me the newest vehicle possible with the lowest amount of miles.

4) It has a 10.6 Gal gas tank so gas is not near as expensive as my Jeep.  Case in point my trip to MI only cost me $30 with gas at $3.79!!

I've had my Insight since the 6th and I can most definitely say I've made the right choice.  I recently drove up to Michigan State for my DMA audition there and only used half a tank for 4 hours of driving.  I was blown away.  My average MPG is 45.2 which is fantastic.  

I really enjoy the "econ" feature that tells me how my driving is, i.e. eco friendly or aggressive.  The speedometer is digital and features an ambient color background that changes from green to light blue to dark blue.  The green shade tells informs you that you are driving eco friendly, the light blue is still good but not as good as the green and the dark blue means you're being quite aggressive (hard braking fast accelerations etc).  It also gives me real time stats and tells me my average MPG as I drive which is nice.  Ive received a number of compliments on the vehicle already and everyone seems skeptical about whether the harp will fit or not.  For those of you that are skeptical a full size harp will fit I'll be sure to post pictures soon the next time I take the harp out and about.